About UCBC
About UCBC
L'Université Chrétienne Bilingue du Congo (UCBC) or The Christian Bilingual University of Congo was started in 2007 under Congo Initiative, a Congolese-founded and directed NGO. Congo Initiative was launched to equip and empower new leaders to bring transformation to Congo in all sectors of society. Currently, Congo Initiative is leading the nation in land-conflict intervention and making waves in entrepreneurship, trauma counseling, and education.
UCBC alumni are movers and shakers in industry, business, government, and non-profit organizations. Many Applied Science alumni have obtained post-graduate degrees internationally and returned to Congo to live out what they learned at UCBC - that their training and formation can be used to transform Congo. Some of our most notable alumni are working with Nuru, a solar energy start-up that operates the largest off-grid solar energy system in sub-saharan Africa.
The UCBC Difference
Current UCBC Applied Science Faculty Members
Felix Katimika Vavasi Sereka
Erick Kalwana
Benjamin John Lawson
Elisée Ndjabu
Stephen Salama
Mbale Dieumerci
Aaron Mininger
Mapamboli Ebuta